You may have noticed a change…

posted in Web Site by Jason on 8/12/2007 at 4:14 PM

When this site was first launched on March 8, 2004, its original intention was to be an online guide for our upcoming wedding that was a little over six months away. Our wedding came and past, and we settled in to married life, yet this web site never changed – in fact, it was still written in a tone that suggested we were still engaged. Now, as we are on the verge of our three year wedding anniversary, we have created a new web site that is about us and what we are doing and where we have been.

Yes, it was about time for a change, but that’s not to say it hasn’t been coming for a long time. I vaguely remember the first time I brought up changing the site to Crystal. It was over Labor Day weekend and we were down in Wisconsin visiting relatives from my side of the family. We were in our hotel room, watching the events unfold from the Hurricane Katrina aftermath on TV. I asked her what we should do with our site and we started to brainstorm a bit.

For those of you who don’t quite remember when Katrina hit, it was in late August of 2005 – shortly after we celebrated our one year anniversary as a married couple. The seeds for the new site were planted there – it just took a while for it to grow some roots, meaning it took me a while to find the time to work on it.

Almost another full year would pass before any production on the new web site would occur. Looking back at the creation dates from some of the files on my computer, it would appear that June 26, 2006, would have been the starting point in which I began putting this site together. The design – an updated and modern look of the original – was done, however, due to work, other activities and taking on a second part time job, the rest of the site slowly came together.

Since this past spring, I have devoted much of the little free time I have to putting the rest of this site together, and with help from Crystal for much of the writing, our new site is ready for all to see. Here is a brief tour for you so you can see what we have done with it.

- Photos: As of right now, there are a little less than 200 photos that we have taken and are displaying for you to see. They are mostly vacation photos from 2003 to 2006, but that’s not to say other types of photos won’t appear in there. I’ll tell you what, we just bought a new digital camera (the other three cameras just weren’t doing it for us), so plenty of more photos will be appearing soon once you get through the first batch.

- Blog: A blog (short for web log, for those who may not know) is usually an online diary of sorts to post messages to for people to read – just like what you are reading now. Both Crystal and I plan on writing on several different topics for you to read as a way to keep up with what we are doing.

- Movies: Since we are both movie fans, we decided to put up a section that deals with the movies we watch. Also, we are going to start watching a movie marathon of sorts – which will probably take a couple of years to complete – so we are going to track our progress in this section. In addition to that, you can see what movies we have watched and which ones we will soon be watching.

- Wii: This section is devoted to our Nintendo Wii. A lot of people say they can immerse themselves in video games for hours on end – this is proof of that as we are posting the gameplay times our Wii tracks for us in this section. There you can see a major reason why it took over a year to produce this site.

That is the new web site in a nutshell. Of course, there are more additions planned for the future, but those will all come in due time – in between work, watching movies and playing video games. Both of us hope you enjoy the new site and feel free to leave us a message or two in the comments section. We would love to hear from you and to know how you like the new web site.


Rhonda | 8/17/2007 2:07 PM

I couldn't get the photos to show on the wedding website. What's up.