Netflix Stats
Movie Categories
Horror |
220 |
Drama |
218 |
Action |
157 |
Comedy |
130 |
Suspense |
80 |
Documentary |
52 |
Sci-Fi |
47 |
Family |
17 |
Musical |
7 |
Western |
2 |
Movie Ratings
R |
424 |
PG-13 |
217 |
NR |
144 |
PG |
75 |
UR |
41 |
9 |
G |
9 |
TV-14 |
7 |
2 |
NC-17 |
1 |
TV-G |
1 |
Ever wonder how much time Crystal and Jason have spent watching movies or what types of movies are the most popular? Here you will find that very information, among other tidbits, of their Netflix rental history.
General Movie Information
Total Days of Netflix Membership |
6491 |
Total Movies Watched |
930 |
Total Time Spent Watching Movies |
1649:35 |
Longest Movie |
Zack Snyder's Justice League |
Shortest Movie |
Maniac |
Individual Statistics
Total Movies Watched |
340 |
Five-Star Ratings |
28 |
Average Rating |
3.5 |
Total Movies Watched |
900 |
Five-Star Ratings |
51 |
Average Rating |
3.3 |